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Your matched gift today will go even further to end blinding diseases.

The Foundation Fighting Blindness is the pioneer in innovative retinal disease research. Through gifts like yours, we have become a champion for the 1 in 53 individuals worldwide affected by blinding diseases. With the support of generous friends like you, we’ve been able to help:

  • Identify more than 270 retinal disease-causing genes.
  • Fund more than 93 research grants annually.
  • Provide genetic testing and counseling at no cost to patients.

Donate today to help fund research to drive treatments and cures for blinding diseases!

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Other ways to give – donor advised fund, stocks, or cryptocurrency.
International donation? Through our partnership with Chapel & York, international donors can take advantages of tax benefits for gifts made within Canada , Switzerland , and the United Kingdom .
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Foundation Fighting Blindness is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation on your U.S. taxes, please keep this receipt as your official record.